Orange, Amber
Personal computer, Automotive design, Output device, Hand, Laptop, Gesture, Gadget, Finger, Netbook


Photo courtesy of Getty Images; amriphoto.

At Building Enclosure we pride ourselves on the educational opportunities we present to our audience. I feel like we haven’t spotlighted our recent CEU webinars in a while, so I wanted to take this time to do so.

All of our webinars are on-demand for a full calendar year after they go live. Here are some of the most recent webinars we’ve done this year. All of these are available through June-August of 2023.

Image courtesy of ATAS International/Carlisle Construction Materials

Atmospheric phenomenon, Water, Sky, Building, Tower, Skyscraper

Roofing Technology & Material Science

This course will focus on Chapter 15 of the International Building Code to show how roofing materials and assemblies are tested and installed. From roof coverings, cover boards, insulation, thermal barriers, securement methods and overburden, such as vegetated roofs, pavers and photovoltaic, will all be reviewed to ensure code compliance. In addition, a review of the exterior fire test, interior fire test, and wind resistance for the roof assemblies and edge metals.

Photo courtesy of SOPREMA, Inc.


Wall Systems and Design: Understanding the Critical Elements of Air & Vapor Barriers

This presentation explores the science behind wall systems and the tangible benefits of incorporating this technology into building structures. There is an emphasis on the differences between air barriers and vapor barriers and which is the best-given climate and wall assembly.

Photo courtesy of Steel Framing Industry Association

Urban design, Tower block, Composite material, Sky, Building, Cloud

Cold-Formed Steel in Mid-Rise Construction

This presentation explores the science behind wall systems and the tangible benefits of incorporating this technology into building structures. There is an emphasis on the differences between air barriers and vapor barriers and which is the best-given climate and wall assembly.

Photo courtesy of Tom Harris PUR Consulting

Plant, Cloud, Sky, Gesture, Tree, Grass

Building Envelope Auditing—Let’s Get Started

This presentation looks at the current state of building envelope analysis and helps identify the first step towards an effective decarbonization strategy for building owners and operators. The analysis must first identify various envelope energy conservation measures and include financial payback as well as environmental impact. Building owners must first understand where they are today, the cost and impact of implementing an envelope strategy if we are to achieve the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Photo courtesy of Shawn Torbert

Tower block, Urban design, Building, Window, Daytime, Condominium

Commercial Roofing as a Sustainability Benefit Multiplier

Commercial roofs can be sustainability “benefit multipliers” by integrating renewable energy, rainwater management strategies, and rooftop agriculture to address our changing environment and more severe storms. The intent of this course is to discuss the interconnectedness and interrelations of roof strategies that can help minimize whole life building carbon emissions while, at the same time, improve long-term performance, durability, and resiliency by using overburden systems to alleviate the community burden of climate change.

Our continuing education courses are an easy and convenient way for architects, designers, engineers and building managers who specify in wall assemblies, roofing system materials, and high energy-efficient building system methods and products, to stay on top of the latest industry information.

Is there a webinar topic you’d love to see covered? Feel free to reach out and pass on any ideas you have. We’d love to hear about the themes and concerns you’d like to hear more about. Email me directly at

Active tank, Flash photography, Clothing, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Shoulder, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Neck
Facial expression, Handwriting, Gesture, Font

Lindsay Lewis


Building Enclosure  |  |  Fall 2022